
Membership Tariff

Category One Time Fees
C/I (Corporate / Institutional) Member Rs.1,18,000/- (USD 1,440/-) Inclusive of GST 18%
Life Member (Individual) Rs.3,540/- (USD 43/-) Inclusive of GST 18%

Category Annual Fee
Sustaining Membership (Individual / Corporate / Institutional) Rs. 11800 (USD 144/-) Inclusive of GST 18%

C/I members can be public or private sector businesses, Government bodies, educational institutions or research establishments of any legal ownership structure incorporated in India or elsewhere who are in some way engaged in the science or practice of powder metallurgy.

  • »  C/I members are entitled to post a description of their organisation in this website.
  • »  C/I members get the highest discount on the registration fee for all events organised by and all publications sold by PMAI.
  • »  Existing patron members (category now abolished) will continue to enjoy the benefits earlier accorded to them which are the same as that being accorded to C/I members.

Life membership is only for individuals who are in some way engaged in the science or practice of powder metallurgy.

  • »  Life members get a discount on the registration fee for all events organised by and all publications sold by PMAI.

Sustaining Membership (valid for one calendar year) can be an individual or public, private sector businesses, Government bodies, educational institutions or research establishments of any legal ownership structure incorporated in India or elsewhere who are in some way engaged in the science or practice of powder metallurgy.

  • »  Sustaining Member shall have the right to nominate one representatives, who will be entitled to the rights and privileges accorded to a life member (see above) of the Association as hereinafter prescribed. The name of the Nominee of the Sustaining Member shall be registered with the Association.

Membership registration can only be done online.

Terms & Condition

All costs of individual postage or delivery will be borne by the recipient unless sponsored by a donor


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